Despite opening at a respectable $114 million domestic and $282 million globally, franchise director James Gunn doesn’t foresee there being any future Guardians of the Galaxy films, at least not with his name and the current core characters — Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Mantis — attached.
“I don’t think there will ever be a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4. There’s many reasons this group will not be back,” Gunn told Esquire Middle East. “There could be more Guardians movies, but it won’t be with this group.”
Gunn went on to clarify that while his particular vision of Guardians of the Galaxy wouldn’t necessarily be continued, he isn’t averse to the worldbuilding, characterization and narrative (based on the years and years of comic books, of course) to go on without him.

“I think as long as somebody brings themselves to it,” Gunn continued, “and doesn’t just try to copy that style—I think it can be really amazing. And there’s so many directors I would like to do that. And I would love to see it happen.”
After Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Gunn will part ways with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and jump ship to the other big comic book entity, DC Comics, where he will take over as co-head of the DC Film Universe alongside Peter Safran.
Alongside characters such as Superman and Green Lantern, who Gunn considers huge priorities for the DC Film Universe, Gunn, who took what were essentially C-list characters in the Guardians of the Galaxy and made them into household names, will be exploring characters from the DC Universe who are less recognizable than Superman, Batman and Green Lantern as well, such as The Authority, Creature Commanders, Suicide Squad head Amanda Waller and futuristic superhero Booster Gold.
Do you think that there should be a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4 in the future or should the nomenclature associating the Guardians with “volumes” end with Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Let us know in the comments.